
HSC would like to announce the financial performance in Q4.2020 and accumulative FY2020 as below:

Q4.2020, HSC achieved more than VND 514 billion in revenue, strongly increased by 54% y-o-y. Profit after tax reached VND 137 billion, increased 8% compared to Q4.2019.

Accumulative FY2020, HSC achieved a total revenue of VND1,591 billion, an increase of 26% compared to FY2019, completing 123% of yearly target. HSC’s cumulative profit after tax for FY2020 reached VND530 billion, increased by 23% compared to same period last year, completed 117% yearly target (as approved at AGM in June 2020).

The return on average equity (ROAE) was 12.1%. Earnings per share (EPS) in 2020 was VND1,738/ share. End of 2020, HSC’s total asset reached VND12,488 billion and increased 67% in compared with last year as of December 30, 2019.

Revenue Q4_En

(*) Revenue and expenses of the 2 periods are recorded to reduce the losses of proprietary investment activities, respectively VND 658 billion in 2020 and VND 300 billion in 2019 (Item 21 in the Financial Statement) for comparison purposes.

Revenue in 2020 was contributed by key businesses: brokerage, margin lending, proprietary investment and financial advisory:

  • Brokerage fee revenue reached VND 621 billion, an increase of 29% compared to 2019 and accounted for 39% of HSC's total revenue.
  • Revenue from margin lending activities reached VND 549 billion, increased slightly by 8% YoY and accounting for 35% of HSC's total revenue.
  • Proprietary investment achieved impressive revenue with 369 billion VND, an increase of 79% compared to 2019 and contributing 23% to total revenue.
  • Revenue from finance advisory was VND 38 billion, decreased 30% compared to 2019.

Revenue Struture Q4_En

Please access Here for Q4.2020 Financial Statement